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From The Editor’s Desk
Index-Vol IX – Issue – II 

  1. Changing Dimensions of Human Rights in India: An International Perspective – Alpana Chauhan
  2. A Critical Review of Neuromarketing: Evaluating Effectiveness and Application in Marketing – Mani Tiwari
  3. The Impact of Climate Change on Plant and Its Effect on Global Warming and Food Security : A Critical Review – Ram Singh Meena
  4. Adapting to the New Normal: Exploring Post-COVID Consumer Behavior in E-Commerce and its Dual Impact on Relationship Marketing and Environmental Responsibility Dr. Surendra Pratap Singh Kothari and Ishita Kothari
  5. The Impact of Climate Change on Plant and Its Effect on Global Warming and Food Security: A Critical Review – Ram Singh Meena
  6. Why Caste Matters in Neoliberal India – Suresh C
  7. The Effect of External Debt on Exchange Rates in Post Reform India: A Co-Integration Approach – Dr. Swati S Sultania
  8. An Analysis of Loan Defaults and Their Effect on Bank Profitability – Dr. Manish Shrivastava
  9. Politics of Cultural Revival and Secularism in India – Maruthi N. &Dr. Swami H
  10. Harnessing the Power of Sound and Hypnosis: A Study on Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Reduction in College Students – Vaibhav Sharma & Prof. Ina Shastri
  11. 21वीं सदी के भारतीय लोकतंत्र में सोशल मीडिया की भूमिका विश्लेषण –  सोनम कुमारी गुप्ता
  12. Workplace Discrimination and Its Impact on Women Employees – Vinod Kumari
  13. Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using MANJARI leaves and its Photocatalytic Activity – Jagdeesh Meena & Hariom Meena

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