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Index- Vol – IV, Issue – I

  1. The Image of Kaikaeyi in Ramayana – Dr. Deepali Bhargava
  2. How Far Kim Is An Indian? An Analysis of Kim’s identity in Kipling’s Novel  – Satya Prakash Dhaka
  3. The Thar of Rajasthan: Ecology and Conservation of A Desert Ecosystem Vandana Raika
  4. ग्रामीण कार्य शक्ति अवं कृषि भूमि संसाधन पर साक्षरता का प्रभाव ( बूंदी जिले की बूंदी तहसील के संदर्भ में एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन – सत्य नारायण नागर
  5. मीडिया व अन्य परियोजनाओ में संगीत व वाद्य यंत्रो की उपयोगिता – डॉ अनीता जनजानी
  6. Corporate Social Responsibility Allows Organizations to do Their Bit for the Society, Environment, Customers or For that Matter Stake Holders   – Harish Kumar
  7. Psychology of Advertising  –  Rohini Arora & Dr S.P.Kothari
  8. Customer’s Preferences in Organized and Unorganized Sector- Deepa Sethi & Dr. Bharat Pareek
  9. Employee Retention Strategies in I.T. Companies – Rajeev Mathur & Dr. Anupam Jain
  10. Effect of Sulphur Dioxide Inhalation on Serum Chloride (CI-) and BiCarbonate (HCO3-) Ion Concentration in Albino Rat Nirupama Yadav & Asha Agarwal
  11. राजस्थान में ब्लॉक छपाई का अध्ययन विशेषकर सांगानेर व बगरू के संदर्भ में डॉ गीता सिंह व कंचन (Online Only)
  12. Rural Women and Entrepreneurship in India: Problems and Challenges Preeti Vijayvergiya (Online Only)
  13. Violence Against Women as an Expression of Assertion of Male Dominance on Her Sexuality: The Indian Story – Dr. Gunjeet Kaur (Online Only)
  14. विद्यालयी शिक्षकों एवं शिक्षक प्रशिक्षको की शिक्षण अभिवृति, व्यवसायिक प्रतिबद्धता – एवं व्यवसायिक मूल्यों का अध्ययन – डॉ रीना जैन व  प्रीति जैन (Online Only)
  15. Need and Scope of Management Audit – Shivpal Yadav & Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma (Online Only)
  16. वेदों में राजधर्म – जल सिंह गुर्जर (Online Only)
  17. चांपावतो (राठौड़) के इतिहास का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन – भगवान सिंह शेखावत (Online Only)
  18. Analysis for De-Fluoridation in Samples of Drinking Water with Short Wave Electrolysis-Rochak Gupta (Online Only)
  19. Women’s Part in The Indian Independence Movement – Agni Singh (Online Only)
  20. A Study on Application of Remote Sensing Techniques with Reference to Udaipur City – Dr. Jyoti Bhatnagar (Online Only)
  21. मत्स्येन्द्रनाथ शुक्ल का काव्य संवेदना और शिल्प – डॉ. यशस्पति झा (Online Only)
  22. Contextualizing the 2019 Parliamentary Elections Social Justice and Democratic Processes in India-Dr. Bharat Lal Meena (Online Only)
  23. हिन्दी पत्रकारिता का महत्व – डॉ.अनिल अग्रवाल (Online Only)
  24. Buyback of Shares – An Overview – Dr. Rachna Garg (Online Only)
  25. Relationship Between Temperature and Dynamic Viscosity in Vegetable Oil – Dr. Deepa Saxena (Online Only)
  26. Exploring Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: A Study – Dr. Savitri Chandoliya (Online Only)
  27. A Novel Double Hydroxide of Graphene Quantum Dotnife for Water Oxidation in A Neutral Solution – Dr. Anju Sharma (Online Only)
  28. Demography of Newly Emerged Census Towns – Omprakash (Online Only)
  29. Interdisciplinary Nature of Home Science -Dr. Sushmita Nair (Online Only)
  30. Emotional Intelligence: Concept and Importance in Organizations – Nidhi Meena  (Online Only)
  31. An Investigation into the Macrocyclical Synthesis of Alicyclic Ligands, Their Categorization, and Biological Activity – Dr. Ravi Sharma
  32. Gymnosperms in India: Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation – Vandana
  33. Thirsty Plant Confronting Water Scarcity in the Path Forward – Dr. Pooja Saxena
  34. Analyzing the Progress and Effectiveness of the Smart City Initiative in India: A Comprehensive Review – Dr. Mamta Choudhary

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