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From The Editor’s Desk
About the Conference
Index-Vol VIII – Issue – IV

  1. British Colonial Domination’s Effects on Indian Cultural Values – Harshita Nogia
  2. An Investigation of How Marine Life is Affected by Acidification of Ocean Water – Ravindra Kumar Meena & Sunil Kumar Gupta
  3. Celebration as a Mode of Creation in the Poetry of Katherine Gallagher – Guman Singh Gehlot
  4. ‘Economic Growth & Higher Education Nexus in India’ The ARDL Approach – Sheena Choudhary & Prof. J.N Sharma
  5. Misuse of Laws by Women in India: A Critical Analysis – Divyani Shah & Dr. Bala Saheb Garje
  6. Challenges Faced by Rural Women Entrepreneurs in India: A Critical Analysis – Dr. Bhagawan Sahai Meena
  7. Comprehensive Analysis of Water Resource Challenges and Management Strategies in Rajasthan, India – Dr. Babulal Meena
  8. A Comprehensive Examination of the Variety of Earthworm Species in Rajasthan A Critical Analysis – Komal
  9. Public Awareness and Participation in Solid Waste Management Programs – A Study of Jodhpur, Rajasthan – Dr. Anupam Jain
  10. Marketing Through Social Media – Devendra Singh
  11. Russia Ukraine War; Implications for India’s Interest: An Analysis – Dr. Bhawna Sharma & Vikas Bhola
  12. भक्ति व उपासना का आधार उपनिषदिय ज्ञान – प्रहलाद सहाय वर्मा
  13. वेदों में यज्ञ उपासना – मुरलीधर गुर्जर
  14. Relation Between Slope Analysis and Flood (A Case Studyof Eastern Rajasthan) – Dr. Gopal Lal Gupta
  15. बून्दी जिले के फसलीय प्रतिरूप में परिवर्तन (एक अध्ययन) – डॉ. समता जैन
  16. GPS Enabled College Bus Tracking System – Mohit Pawar, Khushi Bisht & Anmol Ojha
  17. ग्रामीण और शहरी भारत में शिक्षा की स्थितिः समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन – मल्लू राम मीना
  18. स्वतंत्र भारत में महिलाओं की सामाजिक-राजनीतिक स्थिति का विवेचन – सोनम कुमारी गुप्ता
  19. गाँधी जी के व्यावहारिक दर्शन और लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन – डॉ. मनोज कुमार


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